Next: The Description of The
Up: Specifying The Fault-Intolerant Programs
Previous: Syntax and Semantics
The Specification of Agreement Program
In this section, we present an example of specifying a fault-intolerant program. Specifically, we show how the developers of fault-tolerance can specify an agreement program that consists of a general process and four non-general processes that are perturbed by both Byzantine and failstop faults.
The structure of the input text file is as follows:
numbers=left,numbersep=3pt, fontsize=\footnotesize,
{\bf \it program} Byzantine-Failstop
{\bf \it var }
{\bf \it bool} bi;
{\bf \it bool} bj;
{\bf \it bool} bk;
{\bf \it bool} bl;
{\bf \it bool} bg;
{\bf \it int} dg=0, {\bf \it domain } 0 .. 1;
{\bf \it int} di, {\bf \it domain } -1 .. 1; // (di == -1) means process i has not yet decided.
{\bf \it int} dj, {\bf \it domain } -1 .. 1;
{\bf \it int} dk, {\bf \it domain } -1 .. 1;
{\bf \it int} dl, {\bf \it domain } -1 .. 1;
{\bf \it bool} fi;
{\bf \it bool} fj;
{\bf \it bool} fk;
{\bf \it bool} fl;
{\bf \it bool} upi;
{\bf \it bool} upj;
{\bf \it bool} upk;
{\bf \it bool} upl;
// The structure of process i.
{\bf \it process } i
{\bf \it begin }
((di == -1) && (fi == 0) && (upi == 0)) -> di = dg ;
((di != -1) && (fi == 0) && (upi == 0)) -> fi = 1 ;
{\bf \it read} di, dj, dk, dl, dg, fi, upi, bi;
{\bf \it write} di, fi;
{\bf \it end}
// The structure of process j.
{\bf \it process} j
{\bf \it begin}
((dj == -1) && (fj == 0) && (upj == 0)) -> dj = dg;
((dj != -1) && (fj == 0) && (upj == 0)) -> fj = 1;
{\bf \it read} di, dj, dk, dl, dg, fj, upj, bj;
{\bf \it write} dj, fj;
{\bf \it end}
// The structure of process k.
{\bf \it process} k
{\bf \it begin}
((dk == -1) && (fk == 0) && (upk == 0)) -> dk = dg;
((dk != -1) && (fk == 0) && (upk == 0)) -> fk = 1;
{\bf \it read} di, dj, dk, dl, dg, fk, upk, bk;
{\bf \it write} dk, fk;
{\bf \it end}
// The structure of process l.
{\bf \it process} l
{\bf \it begin}
((dl == -1) && (fl == 0) && (upl == 0)) -> dl = dg;
((dl != -1) && (fl == 0) && (upl == 0)) -> fl = 1;
{\bf \it read} di, dj, dk, dl, dg, fl, upl, bl;
{\bf \it write} dl, fl;
{\bf \it end}
// Faults are represented as a process.
{\bf \it fault } FailstopAndByzantine
{\bf \it begin}
((upi == 1)&&(upj == 1)&&(upk == 1)&&(upl == 1)) -> upi = 0, upj = 0,
upk = 0, upl = 0,
((bi == 0)&&(bj == 0)&&(bk == 0)&&(bl == 0)&&(bg == 0)) -> bi = 1, bj = 1,
bk = 1, bl = 1, bg = 1,
((bi == 1)) -> di = 1 , di =0 ,
((bj == 1)) -> dj = 1 , dj =0 ,
((bk == 1)) -> dk = 1 , dk =0 ,
((bl == 1)) -> dl = 1 , dl =0 ,
((bg == 1)) -> dg = 1 , dg =0 ,
{\bf \it end}
// The invariant of the program.
{\bf \it invariant }
( (
((bg==0) &&
(((bi == 1) && (bj == 0)&& (bk == 0)&& (bl == 0)) ||
((bj == 1) && (bi == 0)&& (bk == 0)&& (bl == 0)) ||
((bk == 1) && (bj == 0)&& (bi == 0)&& (bl == 0)) ||
((bl == 1) && (bj == 0)&& (bk == 0)&& (bi == 0)) ||
((bi == 0) && (bj == 0)&& (bk == 0)&& (bl == 0)) ) &&
((bi==1)||(fi==0)||(di!=-1) )&&
((bj==1)||(fj==0)||(dj!=-1) )&&
((bk==1)||(fk==0)||(dk!=-1) )&&
((bl==1)||(fl==0)||(dl!=-1) ) ) ||
((bg==1)&& (bi==0)&&(bj==0)&&(bk==0)&&(bl==0)&& (
( (((upi == 1) && (upj == 1)&& (upk == 1)&& (upl == 1))) &&
((di==dj)&&(dj==dk)&&(dk==dl)&&(di!=-1)) ) ||
( (((upi == 1) && (upj == 1)&& (upk == 1)&& (upl == 0))) &&
((di==dj)&&(dj==dk)&&(di!=-1)) ) ||
( (((upi == 1) && (upj == 1)&& (upk == 0)&& (upl == 1))) &&
((di==dj)&&(dj==dl)&&(di!=-1)) ) ||
( (((upi == 1) && (upj == 0)&& (upk == 1)&& (upl == 1))) &&
((di==dk)&&(dk==dl)&&(di!=-1)) ) ||
( (((upi == 0) && (upj == 1)&& (upk == 1)&& (upl == 1))) &&
((dj==dk)&&(dk==dl)&&(dj!=-1)) )
((upi == 0) && (upj == 1) && (upk ==1) && (upl == 1)) ||
((upi == 1) && (upj == 0) && (upk ==1) && (upl == 1)) ||
((upi == 1) && (upj == 1) && (upk ==0) && (upl == 1)) ||
((upi == 1) && (upj == 1) && (upk ==1) && (upl == 0)) ||
((upi == 1) && (upj == 1) && (upk ==1) && (upl == 1)) ))
// The specification of the program is specified in three parts starting with
// {\it specification} keyword.
{\bf \it specification}
// The {\it source} part identifies a set of states that every transition
// originating at them violates safety.
{\bf \it noSource }
// The {\it destination} part identifies a set of states that every
// transition reaching them violates safety.
{\bf \it destination }
( (bid == 0) && (bjd == 0) && (upid == 1) && (upjd == 1) && (did != -1) &&
(djd != -1) && (did != djd) && (fid == 1) && (fjd == 1)) ||
( (bid == 0) && (bkd == 0) && (upid == 1) && (upkd == 1) && (did != -1) &&
(dkd != -1) && (did != dkd) && (fid == 1) && (fkd == 1)) ||
( (bid == 0) && (bld == 0) && (upid == 1) && (upld == 1) && (did != -1) &&
(dld != -1) && (did != dld) && (fid == 1) && (fld == 1)) ||
( (bjd == 0) && (bkd == 0) && (upkd == 1) && (upjd == 1) && (djd != -1) &&
(dkd != -1) && (djd != dkd) && (fjd == 1) && (fkd == 1)) ||
( (bjd == 0) && (bld == 0) && (upld == 1) && (upjd == 1) && (djd != -1) &&
(dld != -1) && (djd != dld) && (fjd == 1) && (fld == 1)) ||
( (bkd == 0) && (bld == 0) && (upkd == 1) && (upld == 1) && (dkd != -1) &&
(dld != -1) && (dkd != dld) && (fkd == 1) && (fld == 1)) ||
((bgd == 0) && (bid == 0) && (did != -1) && (did != dgd) && (fid == 1)) ||
((bgd == 0) && (bjd == 0) && (djd != -1) && (djd != dgd) && (fjd == 1)) ||
((bgd == 0) && (bkd == 0) && (dkd != -1) && (dkd != dgd) && (fkd == 1)) ||
((bgd == 0) && (bld == 0) && (dld != -1) && (dld != dgd) && (fld == 1))
// The {\it relation} part identifies a set of transitions that violate safety.
{\bf \it relation }
((((bis == 0)&& (bid == 0) && (fis == 1) && (dis != did))) ||
(((bjs == 0) && (bjd == 0) && (fjs == 1) && (djs != djd)))||
(((bks == 0) && (bkd == 0) && (fks == 1) && (dks != dkd)))||
(((bls == 0) && (bld == 0) && (fls == 1) && (dls != dld)))||
(((bis == 0) && (bid == 0) && (fis == 1) && (fid == 0)))||
(((bjs == 0) && (bjd == 0) && (fjs == 1) && (fjd == 0)))||
(((bks == 0) && (bkd == 0) && (fks == 1) && (fkd == 0)))||
(((bls == 0) && (bld == 0) && (fls == 1) && (fld == 0))))
// The {\it init} section is used for specifying the initial states.
{\bf \it init }
// Each initial state is specified using the {\it state} keyword.
{\bf \it state }
bi = 0; bj = 0; bk = 0; bl = 0; bg = 0; dg = 0; di = -1; dj = -1; dk = -1; bl = -1;
fi = 0; fj = 0; fk = 0; fl = 0; upi = 1; upj = 1; upk = 1; upl = 1;
{\bf \it state }
bi = 0; bj = 0; bk = 0; bl = 0; bg = 0; dg = 1; di = -1; dj = -1; dk = -1; bl = -1;
fi = 0; fj = 0; fk = 0; fl = 0; upi = 1; upj = 1; upk = 1; upl = 1;
Ali Ebnenasir